Analyze the failure by viewing a well-known failure scenario from an entirely new angle, as if you were witnessing it for the first time.
By doing this, the hidden details of a solution will become visible, and you will gain a deeper comprehension of why you were unable to complete the task at hand.
It can assist you by giving you a fresh perspective on how to think outside the box and find ways to turn your failure into a valuable gift.
Take these three steps:
- Opportunity
- Growth mindset
- Learning from
See your failure as an opportunity – Yes; I know it is not fun when one is going through the process of failure.
In the past; when I was much younger; I would allow myself to be driven by my emotions. I have had feelings of hatred; rejection and even anger issues toward myself. This was the negative backpack that I would carry with me…. To a point where I seek professional help. Today I deal with failure differently.
In essence, while failure may bring disappointment initially, viewing it as an opportunity for learning, growth, and positive change can lead to a more resilient and successful future. It’s a mindset shift that allows you to turn setbacks into stepping stones toward achieving your goals.
- I believe one should be creative seeing Failure as a valuable lesson so that one can gain success from it. It allows a person to reflect and to analyze. For example, one should ask oneself good triggering questions: what can I learn from my failures/mistakes? What emotions do I feel? What actions are they telling me to safely take? What’s one small thing I can give myself in this moment that will bring the same ease? Just by asking the right questions you will find the right answers to work through your emotional state. Failure pushes us to think outside the box and it helps us to find new ideas on how to approach our failures in a better way.
- Going through failure makes a person humble about it. It helps us to have sympathy and to have a mind of understanding the challenges others face. Therefore it helps us to have a better relationship with our co-workers and others.
- Overcoming failure will shape your character. We will also cultivate a positive attitude and mindset towards our challenges. It is an ongoing process of our journey to become better and more mature about how to deal with our failures in the future.
It reminds me so much of a tree that one keeps on pruning. One that I have in my garden. The beautiful lemon tree. I just love this tree. The more we have pruned it the more lemons it carries with each session. So it does remind me of my character that gets formed in my growing and learning process.
Growth Mindset
- A growth mindset is a belief that one’s abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication; hard work; and learning from experiences; including failures. Embracing a growth mindset in the face of failure can be transformative.
- Develop a curious mindset that seeks to understand and explore. Ask questions; seek solutions; and approach challenges with a sense of curiosity and desire to learn.
- Pay attention to your inner emotions. Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations that reinforce your ability to learn and grow.
- Remember; developing a growth mindset is an ongoing process. It requires consistent effort and commitment to see failure as an opportunity for learning and growth. By adopting this mindset; you can navigate challenges by bouncing back from difficult experiences and being hopeful about your growth path.
Learning to Shift your perspective is by learning to give yourself a second chance in the circumstances as well as motivate yourself. I always say that if one goes to school or is in college; on your first day do not write an exam on that subject. No; you learn first what the subject is about and then when the teacher thinks you are ready. She/he will allow you to write the exam to qualify.
Here are some tips to look at on ways to motivate oneself and to help yourself to give yourself a second chance.
- View failure not as a reflection of your abilities but as a chance to learn and improve. Understand that setbacks are part of the learning process.
- Failure doesn’t necessarily mean the end. It can be a stepping stone to second chances and it gives us a new opportunity to learn from. Many of us have faced failure and see it as a negative backpack. But we have to learn to have a positive self-talk with oneself. Encourage yourself or speak to a friend; co-worker or coach that can help you to get a new perspective about your mistake. It helps.
- Our failure can lead to a reassessment of our values and what truly matters to you. Therefore it helps you align your actions with your core principles.
- Failure can also be a powerful gift. You desire to overcome past failures and prove to yourself or others that you can succeed and have the fuel of determination to drive you into a learning and growing mindset.
Keep in mind to have a journal with you. Asking good questions that will help you to get your mindset in the right direction. Write in your journal about your feelings and do they control you. Or do you control your emotions? It helps to have a journal. It allows you to reflect on your experiences and your everyday life journey. I will go on to it in my next blog.
I hope this blog was helpful. For your first step to overcoming failure.
I will have the Second KEY REFECT ON THE EXPERIENCE; ready for you soon.
Enjoy your journey in life; as it is a gift.